Shopify mobile app using Flutter (iOS/Android)

Shopify mobile app using Flutter (iOS/Android)
Shopify mobile app using Flutter (iOS + Android)

We are currently building a mobile app for Shopify using the highly praised Google's Flutter framework, which natively builds mobile apps for both iOS and Android using only one source code.

To get the store's data (products, collections, customers, etc), Shopify's StroreFront API is utilized.

We will make the codes open-source and in case you want to learn more or follow/contribute to the project, please star or watch our GitHub repository below.

GitHub - kondasoft/shopify-flutter-mobile-app: A mobile application for Shopify using Flutter (iOS + Android)
A mobile application for Shopify using Flutter (iOS + Android) - kondasoft/shopify-flutter-mobile-app

The GitHub repository for this project

Preview the app (iPhone 14 Pro max)

Preview the app (iPhone 14 Pro max)

NOTE: We will continuously update this blog post as we further move with this project. Stay tuned!

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